Minimal Mvc Admin Plugin

Hi there! I saw Dejan's post on Episerver MVC admin plugins and though that I could just post a thinner version. This one builds on attribute routing and we shouldn't have to register a route in an initialization module just for the plugin, which makes it more of a standalone unit. The init module… 

Bust Cache on Block Publish

Howdy! This week I wanted to cache a model quite hard in the object cache. The trouble was that the content that I used for building the model was blocks in a content area. When adding or removing blocks from the area we could bust the cache by adding a dependency to the generated content cache… 

Get Content with Language Fallback

Howdy! Today is basically just a short gist I had to add as a workaround recently. So, when working with content in multiple languages in Episerver we have the option of configuring fallback languages. This is made by selecting Language options for a content page. This could be done on Root level… 

Override Displayed Username in Episerver backend

Howdy! When implementing authentication via Open ID connect and OWIN, I ran into some issues with how Episerver (and I) handled usernames and user ids. Some background as to why Some features rely on IIdentity.Name to be the user name (presentable and pretty) while others rely on it being an… 

Upgrading - Error in ContentFactoryInitialization

Howdy! This week I have been upgrading an older Episerver site from CMS 7.15 to latest and greatest. Before the actual upgrade work began (or even estimated/pitched to the client) we had dived into the internals of the application to make sure that we didn't have any big customizations or hacks…